Source code for pyvips.voperation

from __future__ import division, print_function

import logging

import pyvips
from pyvips import ffi, vips_lib, Error, _to_bytes, _to_string, GValue, \
    type_map, type_from_name, nickname_find, at_least_libvips

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# values for VipsArgumentFlags
_INPUT = 16
_OUTPUT = 32
_MODIFY = 128

# for VipsOperationFlags

[docs]class Introspect(object): """Build introspection data for operations. Make an operation, introspect it, and build a structure representing everything we know about it. """ __slots__ = ('description', 'flags', 'details', 'required_input', 'optional_input', 'required_output', 'optional_output', 'doc_optional_input', 'doc_optional_output', 'member_x', 'method_args') def __init__(self, operation_name): op = Operation.new_from_name(operation_name) self.description = op.get_description() self.flags = vips_lib.vips_operation_get_flags(op.pointer) # build a list of constructor arg [name, flags] pairs in arg order arguments = [] def add_args(name, flags): if (flags & _CONSTRUCT) != 0: # libvips uses '-' to separate parts of arg names, but we # need '_' for Python name = name.replace('-', '_') arguments.append([name, flags]) if at_least_libvips(8, 7): p_names ='char**[1]') p_flags ='int*[1]') p_n_args ='int[1]') result = vips_lib.vips_object_get_args(op.vobject, p_names, p_flags, p_n_args) if result != 0: raise Error('unable to get arguments from operation') p_names = p_names[0] p_flags = p_flags[0] n_args = p_n_args[0] for i in range(0, n_args): add_args(_to_string(p_names[i]), p_flags[i]) else: def add_construct(self, pspec, argument_class, argument_instance, a, b): add_args(_to_string(, argument_class.flags) return ffi.NULL cb = ffi.callback('VipsArgumentMapFn', add_construct) vips_lib.vips_argument_map(op.vobject, cb, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL) # logger.debug('arguments = %s', self.arguments) # build a hash from arg name to detailed arg information self.details = {} for name, flags in arguments: self.details[name] = { "name": name, "flags": flags, "blurb": op.get_blurb(name), "type": op.get_typeof(name) } # lists of arg names by category self.required_input = [] self.optional_input = [] self.required_output = [] self.optional_output = [] # same, but with deprecated args filtered out ... this is the set we # show in documentation self.doc_optional_input = [] self.doc_optional_output = [] for name, flags in arguments: if ((flags & _INPUT) != 0 and (flags & _REQUIRED) != 0 and (flags & _DEPRECATED) == 0): self.required_input.append(name) # required inputs which we MODIFY are also required outputs if (flags & _MODIFY) != 0: self.required_output.append(name) if ((flags & _OUTPUT) != 0 and (flags & _REQUIRED) != 0 and (flags & _DEPRECATED) == 0): self.required_output.append(name) # deprecated optional args get on to the main arg lists, but are # filtered from the documented set if ((flags & _INPUT) != 0 and (flags & _REQUIRED) == 0): self.optional_input.append(name) if (flags & _DEPRECATED) == 0: self.doc_optional_input.append(name) if ((flags & _OUTPUT) != 0 and (flags & _REQUIRED) == 0): self.optional_output.append(name) if (flags & _DEPRECATED) == 0: self.doc_optional_output.append(name) # find the first required input image arg, if any ... that will be self self.member_x = None for name in self.required_input: details = self.details[name] if details['type'] == GValue.image_type: self.member_x = name break # method args are required args, but without the image they are a # method on if self.member_x is not None: self.method_args = list(self.required_input) self.method_args.remove(self.member_x) else: self.method_args = self.required_input # a hash mapping operation names to introspection data _introspect_cache = {} @classmethod def get(cls, operation_name): if operation_name not in cls._introspect_cache: cls._introspect_cache[operation_name] = Introspect(operation_name) return cls._introspect_cache[operation_name]
# search an array with a predicate, recursing into subarrays as we see them # used to find the match_image for an operation def _find_inside(pred, thing): if pred(thing): return thing if isinstance(thing, list) or isinstance(thing, tuple): for x in thing: result = _find_inside(pred, x) if result is not None: return result return None
[docs]class Operation(pyvips.VipsObject): """Call libvips operations. This class wraps the libvips VipsOperation class. """ __slots__ = () # cache nickname -> docstring here _docstring_cache = {} def __init__(self, pointer): # logger.debug('Operation.__init__: pointer = %s', pointer) super(Operation, self).__init__(pointer) @staticmethod def new_from_name(operation_name): vop = vips_lib.vips_operation_new(_to_bytes(operation_name)) if vop == ffi.NULL: raise Error('no such operation {0}'.format(operation_name)) return Operation(vop)
[docs] def set(self, name, flags, match_image, value): # if the object wants an image and we have a constant, _imageize it # # if the object wants an image array, _imageize any constants in the # array if match_image: gtype = self.get_typeof(name) if gtype == pyvips.GValue.image_type: value = pyvips.Image._imageize(match_image, value) elif gtype == pyvips.GValue.array_image_type: value = [pyvips.Image._imageize(match_image, x) for x in value] # MODIFY args need to be copied before they are set if (flags & _MODIFY) != 0: # logger.debug('copying MODIFY arg %s', name) # make sure we have a unique copy value = value.copy().copy_memory() super(Operation, self).set(name, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def call(operation_name, *args, **kwargs): """Call a libvips operation. Use this method to call any libvips operation. For example:: black_image ='black', 10, 10) See the Introduction for notes on how this works. """ logger.debug(' operation_name = %s', operation_name) # logger.debug(' args = %s, kwargs =%s', # args, kwargs) intro = Introspect.get(operation_name) if len(intro.required_input) != len(args): raise Error('{0} needs {1} arguments, but {2} given' .format(operation_name, len(intro.required_input), len(args))) op = Operation.new_from_name(operation_name) # set any string options before any args so they can't be # overridden string_options = kwargs.pop('string_options', '') if not op.set_string(string_options): raise Error('unable to call {0}'.format(operation_name)) # the first image argument is the thing we expand constants to # match ... look inside tables for images, since we may be passing # an array of images as a single param match_image = _find_inside(lambda x: isinstance(x, pyvips.Image), args) logger.debug(' match_image = %s', match_image) # collect a list of all input references here # we can't use a set because set elements are unique under "==", and # Python checks memoryview equality with hash functions, not pointer # equality references = [] # does a list contain an element using pointer equality # we can't use "in" since that uses "==", which means hash equality def contains(array, x): for y in array: if id(x) == id(y): return True return False def add_reference(x): if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image): for i in x._references: if not contains(references, i): references.append(i) return False # set required input args for name, value in zip(intro.required_input, args): _find_inside(add_reference, value) op.set(name, intro.details[name]['flags'], match_image, value) # set any optional args for name in kwargs: if (name not in intro.optional_input and name not in intro.optional_output): raise Error('{0} does not support optional argument {1}' .format(operation_name, name)) value = kwargs[name] details = intro.details[name] if (details['flags'] & _DEPRECATED) != 0:'%s argument %s is deprecated', operation_name, name) _find_inside(add_reference, value) op.set(name, details['flags'], match_image, value) # build operation vop = vips_lib.vips_cache_operation_build(op.pointer) if vop == ffi.NULL: vips_lib.vips_object_unref_outputs(op.vobject) raise Error('unable to call {0}'.format(operation_name)) op = Operation(vop) # attach all input refs to output x def set_reference(x): if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image): x._references.extend(references) return False # fetch required output args (plus modified input images) result = [] for name in intro.required_output: value = op.get(name) _find_inside(set_reference, value) result.append(value) # fetch optional output args opts = {} for name in intro.optional_output: if name in kwargs: value = op.get(name) _find_inside(set_reference, value) opts[name] = value if len(opts) > 0: result.append(opts) vips_lib.vips_object_unref_outputs(op.vobject) if len(result) == 0: result = None elif len(result) == 1: result = result[0] logger.debug(' result = %s', result) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_docstring(operation_name): """Make a google-style docstring. This is used to generate help() output. """ # we cache these to save regeneration if operation_name in Operation._docstring_cache: return Operation._docstring_cache[operation_name] intro = Introspect.get(operation_name) if (intro.flags & _OPERATION_DEPRECATED) != 0: raise Error('No such operator.', 'operator "{0}" is deprecated'.format(operation_name)) result = intro.description[0].upper() + intro.description[1:] + '.\n\n' result += 'Example:\n' result += ' ' + ', '.join(intro.required_output) + ' = ' if intro.member_x is not None: result += intro.member_x + '.' + operation_name + '(' else: result += 'pyvips.Image.' + operation_name + '(' args = [] args += intro.method_args args += [x + '=' + GValue.gtype_to_python(intro.details[x]['type']) for x in intro.doc_optional_input] args += [x + '=bool' for x in intro.doc_optional_output] result += ", ".join(args) + ')\n' def argstr(name): details = intro.details[name] return (u' {0} ({1}): {2}\n'. format(name, GValue.gtype_to_python(details['type']), details['blurb'])) result += '\nReturns:\n' for name in intro.required_output: result += argstr(name) result += '\nArgs:\n' if intro.member_x is not None: result += argstr(intro.member_x) for name in intro.method_args: result += argstr(name) if len(intro.doc_optional_input) > 0: result += '\nKeyword args:\n' for name in intro.doc_optional_input: result += argstr(name) if len(intro.doc_optional_output) > 0: result += '\nOther Parameters:\n' for name in intro.doc_optional_output: result += argstr(name) result += '\nRaises:\n :class:`.Error`\n' # add to cache to save building again Operation._docstring_cache[operation_name] = result return result
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_sphinx(operation_name): """Make a sphinx-style docstring. This is used to generate the off-line docs. """ intro = Introspect.get(operation_name) if (intro.flags & _OPERATION_DEPRECATED) != 0: raise Error('No such operator.', 'operator "{0}" is deprecated'.format(operation_name)) if intro.member_x is not None: result = '.. method:: ' else: result = '.. staticmethod:: ' args = [] args += intro.method_args args += [x + '=' + GValue.gtype_to_python(intro.details[x]['type']) for x in intro.doc_optional_input] args += [x + '=bool' for x in intro.doc_optional_output] result += operation_name + '(' + ", ".join(args) + ')\n\n' result += intro.description[0].upper() + \ intro.description[1:] + '.\n\n' result += 'Example:\n' result += ' ' if len(intro.required_output) > 0: result += ', '.join(intro.required_output) + ' = ' if intro.member_x is not None: result += intro.member_x + "." + operation_name + '(' else: result += 'pyvips.Image.' + operation_name + '(' args = [] args += intro.method_args args += [x + '=' + GValue.gtype_to_python(intro.details[x]['type']) for x in intro.doc_optional_input] result += ', '.join(args) result += ')\n\n' for name in intro.method_args + intro.doc_optional_input: details = intro.details[name] result += (':param {0}: {1}\n'. format(name, details['blurb'])) result += (':type {0}: {1}\n'. format(name, GValue.gtype_to_python(details['type']))) for name in intro.doc_optional_output: result += (':param {0}: enable output: {1}\n'. format(name, intro.details[name]['blurb'])) result += (':type {0}: bool\n'.format(name)) output_types = [GValue.gtype_to_python(intro.details[name]['type']) for name in intro.required_output] if len(output_types) == 1: output_type = output_types[0] else: output_type = 'list[' + ', '.join(output_types) + ']' if len(intro.doc_optional_output) > 0: output_types += ['Dict[str, mixed]'] output_type += ' or list[' + ', '.join(output_types) + ']' result += ':rtype: ' + output_type + '\n' result += ':raises Error:\n' return result
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_sphinx_all(): """Generate sphinx documentation. This generates a .rst file for all auto-generated image methods. Use it to regenerate the docs with something like:: $ python -c \ "import pyvips; pyvips.Operation.generate_sphinx_all()" > x And copy-paste the file contents into doc/vimage.rst in the appropriate place. """ # these names are aliased alias = ["crop"] alias_gtypes = {} for name in alias: gtype = pyvips.type_find("VipsOperation", name) alias_gtypes[gtype] = name # all names we can generate docstrings for all_names = [] def add_name(gtype, a, b): if gtype in alias_gtypes: name = alias_gtypes[gtype] else: name = nickname_find(gtype) try: Operation.generate_sphinx(name) all_names.append(name) except Error: pass type_map(gtype, add_name) return ffi.NULL type_map(type_from_name('VipsOperation'), add_name) all_names.sort() # remove operations we have to wrap by hand exclude = ['scale', 'ifthenelse', 'bandjoin', 'bandrank'] all_names = [x for x in all_names if x not in exclude] # Output summary table print('.. class:: pyvips.Image\n') print(' .. rubric:: Methods\n') print(' .. autosummary::') print(' :nosignatures:\n') for name in all_names: print(' ~{0}'.format(name)) print() # Output docs print() for name in all_names: docstr = Operation.generate_sphinx(name) docstr = docstr.replace('\n', '\n ') print(' ' + docstr)
[docs]def cache_set_max(mx): """Set the maximum number of operations libvips will cache.""" vips_lib.vips_cache_set_max(mx)
[docs]def cache_set_max_mem(mx): """Limit the operation cache by memory use.""" vips_lib.vips_cache_set_max_mem(mx)
[docs]def cache_set_max_files(mx): """Limit the operation cache by number of open files.""" vips_lib.vips_cache_set_max_files(mx)
[docs]def cache_set_trace(trace): """Turn on libvips cache tracing.""" vips_lib.vips_cache_set_trace(trace)
[docs]def cache_get_max(): """Get the maximum number of operations libvips will cache.""" return vips_lib.vips_cache_get_max()
[docs]def cache_get_size(): """Get the current size of the operations cache.""" return vips_lib.vips_cache_get_size()
[docs]def cache_get_max_mem(): """Get the operation cache limit by memory use.""" return vips_lib.vips_cache_get_max_mem()
[docs]def cache_get_max_files(): """Get the operation cache limit by number of open files.""" return vips_lib.vips_cache_get_max_files()
[docs]def block_untrusted_set(state): """Set the block state for all untrusted operations.""" if at_least_libvips(8, 13): vips_lib.vips_block_untrusted_set(state)
[docs]def operation_block_set(name, state): """Set the block state for a named operation.""" if at_least_libvips(8, 13): vips_lib.vips_operation_block_set(_to_bytes(name), state)
__all__ = [ 'Introspect', 'Operation', 'cache_set_max', 'cache_set_max_mem', 'cache_set_max_files', 'cache_set_trace', 'cache_get_max', 'cache_get_max_mem', 'cache_get_max_files', 'cache_get_size', 'block_untrusted_set', 'operation_block_set', ]