Source code for pyvips.gvalue

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import numbers
import sys

import pyvips
from pyvips import ffi, vips_lib, gobject_lib, \
    glib_lib, Error, _to_bytes, _to_string, type_name, type_from_name, \

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_is_PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2

[docs]class GValue(object): """Wrap GValue in a Python class. This class wraps :class:`.GValue` in a convenient interface. You can use instances of this class to get and set :class:`.GObject` properties. On construction, :class:`.GValue` is all zero (empty). You can pass it to a get function to have it filled by :class:`.GObject`, or use init to set a type, set to set a value, then use it to set an object property. GValue lifetime is managed automatically. """ __slots__ = ('pointer', 'gvalue') # look up some common gtypes at init for speed gbool_type = type_from_name('gboolean') gint_type = type_from_name('gint') guint64_type = type_from_name('guint64') gdouble_type = type_from_name('gdouble') gstr_type = type_from_name('gchararray') genum_type = type_from_name('GEnum') gflags_type = type_from_name('GFlags') gobject_type = type_from_name('GObject') image_type = type_from_name('VipsImage') array_int_type = type_from_name('VipsArrayInt') array_double_type = type_from_name('VipsArrayDouble') array_image_type = type_from_name('VipsArrayImage') refstr_type = type_from_name('VipsRefString') blob_type = type_from_name('VipsBlob') source_type = type_from_name('VipsSource') target_type = type_from_name('VipsTarget') pyvips.vips_lib.vips_band_format_get_type() format_type = type_from_name('VipsBandFormat') if at_least_libvips(8, 6): pyvips.vips_lib.vips_blend_mode_get_type() blend_mode_type = type_from_name('VipsBlendMode') # map a gtype to the name of the corresponding Python type _gtype_to_python = { gbool_type: 'bool', gint_type: 'int', guint64_type: 'long', # Note: int and long are unified in Python 3 gdouble_type: 'float', gstr_type: 'str', refstr_type: 'str', genum_type: 'str', gflags_type: 'int', gobject_type: 'GObject', image_type: 'Image', array_int_type: 'list[int]', array_double_type: 'list[float]', array_image_type: 'list[Image]', blob_type: 'str', source_type: 'Source', target_type: 'Target', }
[docs] @staticmethod def gtype_to_python(gtype): """Map a gtype to the name of the Python type we use to represent it. """ fundamental = gobject_lib.g_type_fundamental(gtype) # enums can be strings or class members ... we want to generate a union # type if fundamental == GValue.genum_type: name = type_name(gtype) if name.startswith('Vips'): name = name[4:] return "Union[str, %s]" % name if gtype in GValue._gtype_to_python: return GValue._gtype_to_python[gtype] if fundamental in GValue._gtype_to_python: return GValue._gtype_to_python[fundamental] return '<unknown type>'
[docs] @staticmethod def to_enum(gtype, value): """Turn a string into an enum value ready to be passed into libvips. """ if isinstance(value, basestring if _is_PY2 else str): enum_value = vips_lib.vips_enum_from_nick(b'pyvips', gtype, _to_bytes(value)) if enum_value < 0: raise Error('no value {0} in gtype {1} ({2})'. format(value, type_name(gtype), gtype)) else: enum_value = value return enum_value
[docs] @staticmethod def from_enum(gtype, enum_value): """Turn an int back into an enum string. """ pointer = vips_lib.vips_enum_nick(gtype, enum_value) if pointer == ffi.NULL: raise Error('value not in enum') return _to_string(pointer)
def __init__(self): # allocate memory for the gvalue which will be freed on GC self.pointer ='GValue *') # logger.debug('GValue.__init__: pointer = %s', self.pointer) # and tag it to be unset on GC as well self.gvalue = ffi.gc(self.pointer, gobject_lib.g_value_unset) # logger.debug('GValue.__init__: gvalue = %s', self.gvalue)
[docs] def set_type(self, gtype): """Set the type of a GValue. GValues have a set type, fixed at creation time. Use set_type to set the type of a GValue before assigning to it. GTypes are 32 or 64-bit integers (depending on the platform). See type_find. """ gobject_lib.g_value_init(self.gvalue, gtype)
[docs] def set(self, value): """Set a GValue. The value is converted to the type of the GValue, if possible, and assigned. """ # logger.debug('GValue.set: value = %s', value) gtype = self.gvalue.g_type fundamental = gobject_lib.g_type_fundamental(gtype) if gtype == GValue.gbool_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_boolean(self.gvalue, value) elif gtype == GValue.gint_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_int(self.gvalue, int(value)) elif gtype == GValue.guint64_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_uint64(self.gvalue, value) elif gtype == GValue.gdouble_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_double(self.gvalue, value) elif fundamental == GValue.genum_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_enum(self.gvalue, GValue.to_enum(gtype, value)) elif fundamental == GValue.gflags_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_flags(self.gvalue, value) elif gtype == GValue.gstr_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_string(self.gvalue, _to_bytes(value)) elif gtype == GValue.refstr_type: vips_lib.vips_value_set_ref_string(self.gvalue, _to_bytes(value)) elif fundamental == GValue.gobject_type: gobject_lib.g_value_set_object(self.gvalue, value.pointer) elif gtype == GValue.array_int_type: if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = [value] array ='int[]', value) vips_lib.vips_value_set_array_int(self.gvalue, array, len(value)) elif gtype == GValue.array_double_type: if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = [value] array ='double[]', value) vips_lib.vips_value_set_array_double(self.gvalue, array, len(value)) elif gtype == GValue.array_image_type: if isinstance(value, pyvips.Image): value = [value] vips_lib.vips_value_set_array_image(self.gvalue, len(value)) array = vips_lib.vips_value_get_array_image(self.gvalue, ffi.NULL) for i, image in enumerate(value): gobject_lib.g_object_ref(image.pointer) array[i] = image.pointer elif gtype == GValue.blob_type: # we need to set the blob to a copy of the string that vips_lib # can own memory = glib_lib.g_malloc(len(value)) ffi.memmove(memory, value, len(value)) # this is horrible! # # * in API mode, we must have 8.6+ and use set_blob_free to # attach the metadata to avoid leaks # * pre-8.6, we just pass a NULL free pointer and live with the # leak # # this is because in API mode you can't pass a builtin (what # vips_lib.g_free() becomes) as a parameter to ffi.callback(), and # vips_value_set_blob() needs a callback for arg 2 # # additionally, you can't make a py def which calls g_free() and # then use the py def in the callback, since libvips will trigger # these functions during cleanup, and py will have shut down by # then and you'll get a segv if at_least_libvips(8, 6): vips_lib.vips_value_set_blob_free(self.gvalue, memory, len(value)) else: # we declare the type of the free func in set_blob incorrectly # so that we can pass g_free at runtime without triggering an # exception if pyvips.API_mode: vips_lib.vips_value_set_blob(self.gvalue, ffi.NULL, memory, len(value)) else: vips_lib.vips_value_set_blob(self.gvalue, glib_lib.g_free, memory, len(value)) else: raise Error('unsupported gtype for set {0}, fundamental {1}'. format(type_name(gtype), type_name(fundamental)))
[docs] def get(self): """Get the contents of a GValue. The contents of the GValue are read out as a Python type. """ # logger.debug('GValue.get: self = %s', self) gtype = self.gvalue.g_type fundamental = gobject_lib.g_type_fundamental(gtype) result = None if gtype == GValue.gbool_type: result = bool(gobject_lib.g_value_get_boolean(self.gvalue)) elif gtype == GValue.gint_type: result = gobject_lib.g_value_get_int(self.gvalue) elif gtype == GValue.guint64_type: result = gobject_lib.g_value_get_uint64(self.gvalue) elif gtype == GValue.gdouble_type: result = gobject_lib.g_value_get_double(self.gvalue) elif fundamental == GValue.genum_type: return GValue.from_enum(gtype, gobject_lib.g_value_get_enum(self.gvalue)) elif fundamental == GValue.gflags_type: result = gobject_lib.g_value_get_flags(self.gvalue) elif gtype == GValue.gstr_type: pointer = gobject_lib.g_value_get_string(self.gvalue) if pointer != ffi.NULL: result = _to_string(pointer) elif gtype == GValue.refstr_type: psize ='size_t *') pointer = vips_lib.vips_value_get_ref_string(self.gvalue, psize) # psize[0] will be number of bytes in string, but just assume it's # NULL-terminated result = _to_string(pointer) elif gtype == GValue.image_type: # g_value_get_object() will not add a ref ... that is # held by the gvalue go = gobject_lib.g_value_get_object(self.gvalue) vi = ffi.cast('VipsImage *', go) # we want a ref that will last with the life of the vimage: # this ref is matched by the unref that's attached to finalize # by Image() gobject_lib.g_object_ref(vi) result = pyvips.Image(vi) elif gtype == GValue.array_int_type: pint ='int *') array = vips_lib.vips_value_get_array_int(self.gvalue, pint) result = [] for i in range(0, pint[0]): result.append(array[i]) elif gtype == GValue.array_double_type: pint ='int *') array = vips_lib.vips_value_get_array_double(self.gvalue, pint) result = [] for i in range(0, pint[0]): result.append(array[i]) elif gtype == GValue.array_image_type: pint ='int *') array = vips_lib.vips_value_get_array_image(self.gvalue, pint) result = [] for i in range(0, pint[0]): vi = array[i] gobject_lib.g_object_ref(vi) image = pyvips.Image(vi) result.append(image) elif gtype == GValue.blob_type: psize ='size_t *') array = vips_lib.vips_value_get_blob(self.gvalue, psize) buf = ffi.cast('char*', array) result = ffi.unpack(buf, psize[0]) else: raise Error('unsupported gtype for get {0}'. format(type_name(gtype))) return result
__all__ = ['GValue']